Thursday, June 5, 2014

coyotes, friend or foe?

This past Tuesday morning my dog Lizzi woke me up as she always does around 7:00am and wants to go outside.  My routine is to step out of bed and open the window blinds that face the front of the building.  Mind you 7:00 am, the Sun is shining brightly and to my surprise, no to my horror, 8’ from me is a large coyote.  He must have been sleeping peacefully on the beautiful stepping stones nestled between lush green plantings.  As I opened the blinds it stood up, my mouth dropped open, it looked around prior to it prancing over onto the driveway.  It stopped again to look around, and it continued to prance down the street towards the paths and onto the back of Queens to then lay down.  At this point I told myself to breath.  I have news for you, had Lizzi and I walked out the front door and experienced this lost creature I would have woken up the whole development and the entire surrounding areas with my scream.  The poor squirrels wouldn’t stop sketching from the Crabtree as if to warn everyone around that there was a predator in our midst.  My intent in sharing the story in so much as to say, as much as we need to be considerate of our human neighbors, we need to respect our prolific wildlife neighbors sharing our community for better and for worse.  The same morning I experienced the coyote, I had to stop the car on my street to allow a Goose family to cross with 7 goslings in tow.  I thought “Come on …really?)

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