Thursday, June 26, 2014

be careful in the sun

I currently have two of these beauties on my chest, 6 stitches each Basal Cell Carcinoma. (I will spare you the pictures of the stitches you might think that I am related to Frankenstein. Yuck, but I got the call today that they are both clear.  Thank you God!!!  I had one on the back of my knee that was also clear and in July I go for two on my back.  So I will wait to see what they say about that.
I was never a true sun lover as a kid but I did like to "lay out" and get color.  My friends would get tan and I would burn, but I would always say that's' how I tan, I have to burn first.  Now I'm 50ish and the doctors at Advanced Dermatology are finding problems. It's important to take of ourselves in all aspects and do what we have to do, dont wait!
Do you know just one indoor tanning session... 
increases the risk of melanoma by 20%
increases the risk of basal cell carcinoma by 29%
increases the risk for squamous cell carcinoma  67%
IN all more than 170,000 cases of non-melanoma skin cancer in the US each year are linked to indoor tanning.
I failed to mention that I used to do that too, especially to get that "Base Tan"  which I would still burn as soon as I set foot on the the Florida beaches.
Older and wiser I suppose.
Did I mention that I chair the pool committee in the development in which I live? I have become the sunscreen patrol now, how ironic!
Be safe and dont forget the sunscreen
Ciao for Now!

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