Thursday, April 2, 2015

Today is knit happens yarn salon 5th anniversary

Wow, today is the 5th Anniversary of knit happens yarn salon in Buffalo Grove Illinois. It seems like yesterday I opened the door  to a whole new experience.  I have had ups and downs, but thankfully more ups!  I have met some great people along the way, an look forward to meeting more.  I am still bewildered when new customers come in and say "How long have you been here, I didn't even know you were here.  What a great store!"  My Marketing Mgr. is not doing a good job, oh wait that is me!

I am ALL the Chief Officers, President, Marketing Mgr, Buyer, Inventory Control Mgr., Lead Salesperson, Janitor (yes I have to clean the bathroom!), Accountant, Teacher, Greeter, Creative Director, Lead Sample knitter, Therapist and with all that be true to who I am as Connie

Having a small business is absolutely rewarding and challenging .at the same time for all so many reasons.  I was fortunate to be able to follow this dream and I hope others could too if they had the opportunity.

I thank everyone who has been to the store, hose who frequent the store and for those who plan on coming in the future.  AS they say "It's all good"

knit happens...and life goes on!